World War II veteran J.P. Ledet talks about his experience when the Atomic bomb was dropped.  

Grace Chicken Seventy years after the end of World War II, five Southwest Florida veterans share their experiences, including retired US Army – Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Grace Chicken of Punta Gorda. Chicken spent more than 20 years in the

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Robert Hilliard Seventy years after the end of World War II, five Southwest Florida veterans share their experiences. Robert Hilliard was an 18-year-old draftee in 1944 deployed to Europe just after D-Day. The 90-year-old Purple Heart recipient and Sanibel resident

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Newton Burdick Jr. Seventy years after the end of World War II, five Southwest Florida veterans share their experiences, including 99-year-old retired Lieutenant Commander Newton Burdick Junior. He entered the US Navy as a young soldier after the Japanese attack

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Harry Beeman Seventy years after the end of World War II, five Southwest Florida veterans share their experiences, including 93-year-old Harry Beeman of Cape Coral. He was 19-years old when he signed up as an Apprentice Seaman in the US

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HARRY BEEMAN (BORN 1922) Harry Beeman was 19 years old when he signed up as an Apprentice Seaman in the US Navy the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Prior to that date Harry’s father had refused to

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PETER THOMAS (BORN 1924) Famed voice-over actor and World War II veteran, Peter Thomas received five battle stars including the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the French Croix de Guerre for his military service with the First Infantry Division

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NEWTON BURDICK JR. (BORN 1916) Newton Burdick signed up to the US Navy after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Initially he was stationed in Louisiana as the Communications Officer for the Eighth Naval District in New Orleans. In response

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ROBERT (BOB) HILLIARD (BORN 1926) Bob Hilliard enlisted in the US Army at age 18 and was assigned as a private to the 36th Infantry Division in Camp Blanding, Florida. He was deployed to Europe arriving there just after D-Day.

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GRACE CHICKEN (BORN 1914) Grace Chicken wanted to see the world. As a young woman, her ambition was to be a nurse in the war, so she joined the Red Cross and was stationed in Joplin, Missouri. When she heard

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